Dear SaveNow User - SaveNow is a program that brings you relevant offers and tells you about great deals and similar sites when you surf the web. It is our strict policy to distribute SaveNow only to users who have accepted the SaveNow license agreement. SaveNow is installed on your computer as a module that comes with WhenUShop or other software that you download from the Internet. At that time, you accept a SaveNow license agreement as part of the download process you complete. - If you believe you have received SaveNow without accepting the license agreement please let us know at There are a vast number of great offers and services available throughout the Internet. In addition, we negotiate a number of exclusive offers to maximize value for our users. SaveNow's goal is to show users information about these offers and services - right at the moment when they need it. For example, if you went to a search engine and typed in "long distance", you might get an offer for SmartPrice - a site that we found to be the best for comparing long distance plans. If you go to a job search site, we might show you an offer for Hotjobs - which is right now offering great value to users that post resumes at their site. If you go to Staples, you might see an offer for a $30 off coupon that will save you money when you shop there. We show these offers infrequently so as not to be intrusive. SaveNow protects users privacy and does not require personally identifiable information. Our privacy policy is always displayed when users install SaveNow. -Below is an excerpt from the SaveNow privacy policy: "SaveNow offers you relevant contextual information as you surf the web and by downloading SaveNow you give permission to SaveNow to display relevant contextual information. In order to provide SaveNow users with such information, SaveNow delivers content based on the URL visited by the user. SaveNow protects users' privacy by determining on the client side whether or not to retrieve information from servers. Client-server communication takes place only on an as-needed basis, and SaveNow does NOT transmit a full history of URLS visited by the user to the servers. does NOT assemble personally-identifiable profiles of SaveNow users and personally identifiable information is not required in order to use the SaveNow software." SaveNow is NOT spyware - there is no persistent communication between your desktop computer and our servers. Users have noted that the program contacts our servers every once in a while - it does so in order to retrieve content from us and store that content on your computer, to make it available to you at the right moment. There is one daily communication sent just to let us know that the software is functioning - nothing more (i.e. no collection of browsing history, etc). The desktop application checks for the presence of new browser windows every 3 seconds - which results in sustained (but very low) CPU usage. Typically, data sent to the desktop is done in very small chunks of less than 4K - hardly noticeable. Upon installation, there will be some bandwidth usage as the initial content database is loaded - this is a one-time event. Very infrequently, there might be a sustained burst of data sent to the desktop - this would only be done if we: updated the desktop software itself (which we do from time to time to improve performance) or if we updated the entire content database. Again, these are one-time events - the application does NOT use bandwidth on a sustained basis. The software takes up only slightly more RAM than your IE browser control uses in any case (it shares RAM with it) and is designed to be non-intrusive and non-invasive. If you want to uninstall, you can do so through the add/remove function in your control panel. Of course we encourage you to leave it on so that you can benefit from the occasional offers that it shows you. If you need more information, or experience any technical problems, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you.